Roughness: Poetry 3


I think ‘Roughness’ is a more fitting title than ‘Rough Stuff.’ I’ll be titling these posts that way from now on.

I’ve been thinking about abstraction a lot lately. One of my poetry professors was very much against writing too vaguely and too abstractly. I enjoy a level of vagueness, though. I like abstraction. I understand his concern. I understand that there’s a line to be drawn between interesting and indecipherable/ vacuous.

This may be an exercise in indecipherable/ vacuous writing:

One eye empty and five points hollow, my monster has taken my hand.

In our palm I undergo undergoing, but she’s undergone, underwent.

I haven’t yet gone, and I won’t say I won’t.

Eat our eyes as we sink beneath shore.

One chamber unchambers and we burst moments later, and my monster is squelched by our hand.